| Sacrifice
| 040421004492 | | 2000-11-5
| Casper
| 040421004560 | SLUS-00162 | 1996-8-10
| Freespace 2
| 040421004829 | | 1999-10-1
| Viva Soccer
| 040421005185 | SLUS-00657 | 1999-9-0
| Caesar's Palace 2000
| 040421005369 | | 2000-9-19
| MDK 2
| 040421005567 | | 2000-3-29
| Renegade Racers
| 040421005642 | | 2000-3-2
| Star Trek: New Worlds
| 040421005925 | | 2000-9-7
| Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
| 040421005932 | | 2000-9-22
| Gekido
| 040421006328 | SLUS-00970 | 2000-5-31
| Casper
| 040421006434 | | 2000-6-30
| Descent 3: Mercenary
| 040421006663 | | 1999-0-0
| Incoming
| 040421006847 | | 1999-12-1
| Fallout 2
| 040421007073 | | 1998-10-30
| Mig Alley
| 040421007158 | | 1999-11-30
| Fallout
| 040421007400 | | 1997-11-0
| 101: The Airborne Invasion of Normandy
| 040421007493 | | 1998-6-1
| Icewind Dale
| 040421007714 | | 2000-6-30
| Shogo: Mobile Armor Division
| 040421008452 | | 1998-9-0
| Super Runabout: San Francisco Edition
| 040421008964 | | 2000-9-30
| MDK2: Armageddon
| 040421009480 | SLUS-20105 | 2001-3-27
| Wild Wild Racing
| 040421010042 | SLUS-20108 | 2000-10-26
| Virtual Kasparov
| 040421010257 | | 2001-5-0
| Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal
| 040421010707 | | 2001-6-22
| Planescape: Torment
| 040421011735 | | 1999-11-30
| Descent
| 040421091188 | | 1995-3-17
| Alone in the Dark
| 040421130481 | | 1992-0-0
| Alone in The Dark 2
| 040421130498 | | 1994-9-0
| Blackthorne
| 040421130771 | | 1994-12-19
| Descent II
| 040421130832 | | 1996-3-13
| Norse by Norsewest: The Return of the Lost Vikings
| 040421133659 | | 1997-4-30
| Track Meet
| 040421210077 | DMG-TM-USA | 1992-0-0
| Battle Chess
| 040421290024 | | 1994-9-16
| Out of This World
| 040421290239 | | 1994-6-24
| Kingdom: The Far Reaches
| 040421290529 | CD-3DO-052-0 | 1995-12-3
| Cyberia
| 040421290840 | BX-3DO-084-0 | 1996-2-12
| Alone In the Dark 2
| 040421291069 | CD-3DO-106-0 | 1996-1-1
| 3DO Maniac Pack
| 040421292462 | EX-3DO-346-0 | 1995-0-0
| Descent: Freespace: The Great War
| 040421362738 | | 1998-5-0
| Baldur's Gate
| 040421366521 | | 1998-11-30
| Virtual Pool 2
| 040421366538 | | 1996-8-24
| Descent 3
| 040421367788 | | 1999-0-0
| Die by the Sword
| 040421395194 | | 1998-0-0
| Clay Fighter 63⅓
| 040421641673 | | 1997-10-21
| 4-In-1 Fun Pak
| 040421810031 | | 1992-12-22
| 4-in-1 Fun Pak: Volume II
| 040421810123 | DMG-F9-USA | 1993-8-0
| Casino Fun Pak
| 040421810147 | DMG-ACFE-USA | 1995-1-0
| R.P.M. Racing
| 040421820016 | | 1992-8-0
| Out of This World
| 040421820047 | | 1992-0-0
| The Lost Vikings
| 040421820054 | | 1993-6-0