| F-18 Hornet
| | AP-044 | 1988-0-0
| Fun Zoo
| | 1TL900 | 1972-0-0
| Falcon 3.0: MiG-29
| | | 1993-0-0
| Fighter's Megamix
| | 71-739 | 1998-0-0
| Flipper Pinball
| | | 1983-0-0
| Fortress of Narzod
| | | 1982-0-0
| Falcon 3.0: Operation Fighting Tiger
| | | 1992-0-0
| Feet of Fury
| | | 2003-6-7
| Fun With Numbers
| | 18V401 | 1977-0-0
| Football!
| | AJ9402 | 1978-0-0
| Freedom Fighters!
| | AC9436 | 1980-0-0
| Formula 1! Interlagos! Crytologic!
| | 06AV9400 | 1979-0-0
| Fisher-Price: Perfect Fit
| | NES-F7-USA | 1990-0-0
| Fatal Run
| | CX7854 | 1990-0-0
| Fight Night
| | CX7851 | 1989-0-0
| Food Fight
| | CX7804 | 1987-0-0
| Fathammer Classic Pack
| | | 2005-3-19
| FIFA Football 2005
| | | 2005-9-15
| Fatty Bear's Birthday Surprise
| | | 1993-0-0
| Fatty Bear's FunPack
| | | 1993-0-0
| The Fidelity Ultimate Chess Challenge
| | LX101 | 1991-0-0
| Fortress of Fear: Wizards & Warriors X
| | | 1990-0-0
| Final Fantasy VI
| | SCPS-45387 | 1999-0-0
| Final Fantasy IX
| | SCPS-45500-3 | 2000-0-0
| Fatal Fury Special
| | | 1993-12-22
| Friday the 13th
| | | 1985-0-0
| Flight Unlimited
| | | 1995-0-0
| FIFA Soccer '96
| | | 1995-0-0
| Flag Capture
| | | 1978-0-0
| Freeway
| | | 1981-0-0
| Frogger
| | | 1982-0-0
| A Fork In The Tale
| | | 1997-0-0
| Faselei!
| | | 2000-3-0
| Faselei!
| | | 1999-12-22
| Fatal Fury
| | | 1991-12-20
| Fatal Fury 2
| | | 1993-3-5
| FIFA International Soccer
| | | 1994-11-0
| Football
| | | 1978-0-0
| Flipper
| | | 1979-0-0
| Flipper
| | | 1979-0-0
| Forza 4
| | | 1979-0-0
| Frankenstein: Through the Eyes of the Monster
| | | 1997-0-0
| Fantasy Zone II
| | 5108 | 1987-0-0
| Final Fight CD
| | | 1993-3-25
| Fatal Fury Special
| | | 1994-0-0
| F1 Pole Position
| 008888060970 | | 1993-9-0
| Force 21
| 008888120254 | | 2000-12-6
| F1 Pole Position 64
| 008888130031 | | 1997-10-15
| Far Cry Vengeance
| 008888171614 | | 2006-12-12
| F1 Racing Championship
| 008888310136 | SLUS-01088 | 2000-9-26