| Rampage
| | AM-049 | 1989-0-0
| Road Prosecutor
| | PEASU1033 | 1994-0-0
| Rocket Coaster
| | PEASU5013 | 1993-0-0
| Racing Aces
| | | 1993-0-0
| Radical Rex
| | | 1994-11-0
| Road Rash
| | | 1994-5-6
| Resident Evil 2
| | 71-745 | 1998-0-0
| The Roots: Gates of Chaos
| | | 2005-6-6
| Rip Off
| | | 1982-0-0
| The Rescue of Pops Ghostly
| | | 1987-0-0
| Rockball
| | | 1993-0-0
| Resident Evil 10th Anniversary Collection
| | | 2006-10-24
| Racing Days
| | | 1996-0-0
| R.C. Grand Prix
| | | 1986-0-0
| Richard Burns Rally
| | | 2005-10-22
| Richard Burns Rally
| | | 2005-7-11
| Realsports Baseball
| | CX7834 | 1988-0-0
| RealSports Baseball
| | CX5209 | 1983-0-0
| RealSports Soccer
| | CX5213 | 1982-0-0
| Rampage 2: Universal Tour
| | NUS-N2PP-EUR | 1999-5-21
| Robotron: 2084
| | PT5003 | 1991-0-0
| ROM² Karaoke Volume 2
| | HRCD-9102 | 1989-10-27
| ROM² Karaoke Volume 3
| | HRCD-9103 | 1989-12-20
| ROM² Karaoke Vol. 3: Yappashi Band
| | JCCD9503 | 1990-4-6
| ROM² Karaoke Vol. 4: Choito Otona!?
| | JCCD9504 | 1990-4-6
| Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers
| | | 1998-4-29
| RoadBlasters
| | PA2036 | 1990-0-0
| Rocky's Boots
| | | 1982-0-0
| Robotech: Battlecry: Collector's Edition
| | | 2002-9-23
| Robotech: Battlecry (Limited Edition)
| | | 2002-9-23
| RBI Baseball '95
| | | 1995-0-0
| Reggie Jackson Baseball
| | | 1988-0-0
| Rampage
| | | 1988-0-0
| Reactoid
| | | 1983-0-0
| Raptor: Call of the Shadows
| | | 1994-4-1
| RealSports Baseball
| | | 1988-0-0
| Riddle of the Sphinx
| | | 1982-0-0
| Rage of the Dragons
| | | 2002-9-20
| Rambo: First Blood Part II
| | | 1986-0-0
| Real Bout Fatal Fury Special
| | | 1997-2-28
| Rage of the Dragons
| | | 2002-9-20
| Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers
| | | 1998-4-29
| Real Bout Special
| | | 1997-2-28
| Road Avenger
| | | 1993-0-0
| Robot Wars: Arena of Destruction
| | SLES-50572 | 2001-11-22
| Real Bout Fatal Fury
| | | 1996-1-26
| Robo Army
| | | 1991-12-20
| Racing Simulation 2
| | | 1999-11-2
| Riana Rouge
| | | 1997-11-23
| Rocky
| | 7002 | 1987-0-0