| 031719300501 | | 2005-3-22
| NBA Ballers: Chosen One
| 031719301010 | | 2008-4-21
| Nightcaster II: Equinox
| 032264181010 | | 2002-12-10
| Nectaris: Military Madness
| 032264500101 | | 1999-1-22
| Ninja Crusaders
| 039471885106 | NES-N4-USA | 1990-12-0
| Nobunaga's Ambition
| 040198000079 | NES-NZ-USA | 1989-0-0
| Nobunaga's Ambition
| 040198000222 | DMG-NY-USA | 1991-3-0
| Nobunaga's Ambition II
| 040198000406 | NES-NU-USA | 1990-0-0
| Nobunaga's Ambition
| 040198000703 | | 1994-10-0
| Nobunaga's Ambition
| 040198000710 | T-76076 | 1993-0-0
| New Horizons
| 040198000765 | | 1994-3-0
| New Horizons
| 040198000772 | | 1994-0-0
| Naval Ops: Warship Gunner
| 040198001267 | SLUS-20663 | 2003-7-1
| Naval Ops: Commander
| 040198001335 | SLUS-20871 | 2004-3-9
| Nobunaga's Ambition: Rise to Power
| 040198001779 | SLUS-21721 | 2008-2-5
| Norse by Norsewest: The Return of the Lost Vikings
| 040421133659 | | 1997-4-30
| Norse by Norsewest: The Lost Vikings 2
| 040421883653 | | 1997-4-0
| Norse by Norsewest: The Return of The Lost Vikings
| 040421893652 | SLUS-00466 | 1997-11-17
| Nickelodeon Guts
| 040824212029 | | 1994-5-0
| Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing
| 043948003061 | | 1994-0-0
| Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing
| 043948030036 | DMG-WC-USA | 1993-8-0
| Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing
| 043948510705 | | 1991-8-0
| Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing
| 043948530017 | | 1993-0-0
| North and South
| 044499000127 | | 1990-0-0
| Nintendo World Cup
| 045496630379 | NES-XZ-USA | 1990-7-12
| NES Play Action Football
| 045496630522 | | 1990-0-0
| NES Open Tournament Golf
| 045496630669 | | 1991-8-0
| NBA 3 on 3 Featuring Kobe Bryant
| 045496731038 | | 1999-12-7
| Nintendogs: Dachshund and Friends
| 045496735517 | | 2005-8-23
| Nintendogs: Chihuahua and Friends
| 045496736439 | | 2005-8-23
| Nintendogs: Labrador and Friends
| 045496736453 | | 2005-8-23
| New Super Mario Bros.
| 045496737313 | | 2006-5-15
| Nintendogs: Dalmatian and Friends
| 045496738204 | | 2006-10-16
| Nintendo DS Browser
| 045496738730 | | 2007-6-4
| Nester's Funky Bowling
| 045496770105 | | 1996-2-0
| NCAA Basketball
| 045496830175 | | 1992-5-0
| NHL Stanley Cup
| 045496830250 | | 1993-5-0
| The New Tetris
| 045496870423 | | 1999-8-2
| The New Tetris
| 045496870423 | NUS-NRIP-EUR | 1999-10-15
| NBA Courtside 2: Featuring Kobe Bryant
| 045496870539 | | 1999-11-8
| NBA Courtside 2002
| 045496960049 | | 2002-1-14
| Ninja Kid
| 045557872021 | NES-NK-USA | 1989-0-0
| Nightmare Creatures
| 047875101043 | | 1997-11-17
| Nightmare Creatures
| 047875104648 | | 1998-11-30
| NHL Powerplay '96
| 052145880078 | | 1996-1-0
| Nanotek Warrior
| 052145880139 | | 1997-5-27
| NHL Powerplay '98
| 052145880191 | | 1997-9-9
| NHL powerplay '96
| 052145890046 | | 1996-7-0
| Night Trap
| 052145930018 | | 1994-6-24
| Novastorm
| 053203013315 | | 1994-0-0