| Imagine: Fashion Designer
| 008888163763 | | 2007-10-23
| Imagine: Master Chef
| 008888163572 | | 2007-10-23
| Ice Age
| 008888140207 | | 2002-3-19
| Inspector Gadget: Operation Madkactus
| 008888120124 | | 2001-3-28
| Ikari Warriors
| 008401000063 | CX7862 | 1990-0-0
| Immortal Desire
| 000732941138 | | 1994-0-0
| Inhabitants
| | | 2005-1-11
| The Incredible Wizard
| | 2017 | 1981-0-0
| Implode
| | | 2002-9-1
| Interstellar Flames 2
| | | 2005-10-22
| Interstellar Flames .2
| | | 2005-9-30
| Impossible Mission
| | CX7832 | 1987-0-0
| Iv'e Got Your Number!
| | | 1979-0-0
| I've Got Your Number!
| | | 1979-0-0
| Invaders From Hyperspace!
| | AK9414 | 1979-0-0
| Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade: The Action Game
| | | 1989-0-0
| Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure
| | | 1989-0-0
| I, Cyborg
| | | 2004-9-10
| Indy 500
| | 71-525 | 1997-0-0
| Invasion
| | | 1972-0-0
| Interplanetary Voyage
| | | 1973-0-0
| | | 2002-2-22
| I Will
| | PEASU1001 | 1993-0-0
| Indiana Jones and The Fate of Atlantis
| | | 1992-0-0
| Ice Hockey
| | | 1981-0-0