| Gemfire
| 040198000468 | | 1994-9-24
| Gravity Games Bike: Street. Vert. Dirt.
| 031719300037 | | 2002-9-24
| Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
| 710425211461 | | 2003-5-13
| Great Football
| | | 1987-6-1
| The Great Escape
| 710425212314 | | 2003-7-23
| Ghost Pilots
| 021876002134 | | 1991-7-1
| Gekka no Kenshi
| | | 1998-1-29
| Galaxy Angel
| 4510417030348 | | 2003-1-23
| Ground Zero Texas
| 090451601086 | | 1993-6-0
| Ghost Master
| 020626717694 | | 2003-8-19
| Garfield: Caught in the Act
| 010086015560 | | 1995-7-15
| Gargoyles
| 071272511006 | | 1995-5-15
| Gauntlet IV
| 031763067504 | | 1993-3-18
| The Great Escape
| 710425292224 | | 2003-7-22
| Generations Lost
| 031763078500 | | 1994-8-6
| Genghis Khan II: Clan of the Gray Wolf
| 040198000697 | | 1994-1-26
| Gran Turismo Concept: 2002 Tokyo-Seoul
| | | 2002-4-15
| Grabbed by the Ghoulies
| 805529578760 | | 2003-10-21
| Gladius
| 023272321758 | | 2003-10-28
| Grand Theft Auto: Rockstar Games Double Pack (Greatest Hits)
| 710425273001 | | 2003-10-22
| Gladius
| 023272321581 | | 2003-11-3
| Grand Theft Auto: Rockstar Games Double Pack
| 710425292842 | | 2003-11-4
| Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance
| 021481403166 | | 2003-11-4
| Goblin Commander: Unleash the Horde
| 032264191019 | | 2003-11-11
| Go! Go! Hypergrind
| 730865610020 | | 2003-11-11
| Grom
| 852898000149 | | 2003-3-12
| Ghen War
| 010086810011 | | 1997-5-26
| Grand Slam
| 052145890053 | | 1997-6-1
| GunGriffon
| 010086810462 | | 1996-8-1
| Golden Axe
| 010086011067 | | 1989-8-0
| Golf Magazine Presents: 36 Great Holes Starring Fred Couples
| | | 1994-1-1
| Galidor: Defenders of the Outer Dimension
| 014633145618 | | 2002-10-29
| Gauntlet: Dark Legacy
| 031719191079 | | 2002-11-20
| Godzilla: Domination
| 742725242524 | | 2002-11-12
| Golden Sun: The Lost Age
| 045496731908 | | 2003-4-14
| GT Advance 3: Pro Concept Racing
| 040001253968 | | 2003-2-4
| Guilty Gear X: Advance Edition
| 808777402894 | | 2002-8-13
| The Gladiators: Galactic Circus Games
| 699030111581 | | 2003-3-1
| Galaxy Fight
| 020763113212 | | 1995-5-0
| Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee
| 742725246492 | | 2003-4-16
| Galactic Civilizations
| 627006901232 | | 2003-3-25
| Golvellius: Valley of Doom
| | | 1988-0-0
| Ghostbusters
| | | 1987-0-0
| Gangster Town
| | | 1987-0-0
| Gadget Twins
| 043948003016 | | 1993-8-13
| Great Greed
| 722674020121 | | 1994-12-0
| General Chaos
| 014633071436 | | 1993-8-15
| Gain Ground
| 720238100500 | | 1990-0-0
| Galahad
| 014633071146 | | 1992-2-12
| Galaxy Force II
| 010086012095 | | 1991-0-0