| Journey Escape
| | | 1982-0-0
| Joust
| | | 1983-0-0
| Jaws
| 023582051567 | NES-JA-USA | 1987-0-0
| Jeopardy!
| 043948520032 | | 1987-0-0
| Joust
| | CX7806 | 1987-0-0
| Joust
| 040458200010 | | 1988-0-0
| Jordan vs Bird One on One
| 032244049804 | NES-OE-USA | 1988-0-0
| John Elway's Quarterback
| 031719198849 | | 1988-0-0
| Jackal
| 083717110101 | | 1988-10-0
| Jinks
| | CX7857 | 1989-0-0
| Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championshop Golf
| 083717110170 | | 1989-0-0
| Jeopardy! Junior Edition
| 043948520018 | | 1989-0-0
| Juuouki
| 4988041700072 | HACD9001 | 1989-9-22
| Juuouki
| 4988041700065 | H68G-1006 | 1989-9-29
| Jetfighter II
| 000000000000 | | 1990-0-0
| Journey to Silius
| 020763110136 | | 1990-0-0
| Jim Henson's Muppet Adventure:
| 087855000409 | | 1990-0-0
| Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition
| 043948520025 | | 1990-0-0
| J.J. & Jeff
| 092218000460 | TGX020014 | 1990-0-0
| Jerry Glanville's Pigskin Footbrawl
| 720326805386 | | 1990-0-0
| Jack Nicklaus Turbo Golf
| 015605040030 | ATGX02JTTG | 1990-0-0
| Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu
| 039854000119 | | 1990-0-0
| Joe Montana Football
| 010086070620 | 7062 | 1990-0-0
| Jurassic Boy
| | TC-028 | 1990-0-0
| Junction
| 727479267702 | | 1990-0-0
| John Madden Football
| 014633070002 | 7000 | 1990-4-11
| Jack Nicklaus' World Tour Golf
| 4988002203574 | JCCD0003 | 1990-9-14
| Jantei Monogatari
| 4988624910256 | TJCD0012 | 1990-10-9
| J.B. Harold Series #1: Murder Club
| 4988607250133 | HCD0013 | 1990-11-23
| Joe Montana II: Sports Talk Football
| 010086012095 | 1209 | 1991-0-0
| J.B. Harold Murder Club
| 092218001115 | TGXCD1012 | 1991-0-0
| Joe Montana Football
| 010086012057 | | 1991-0-0
| John Madden Football '92
| 014633070583 | | 1991-0-0
| James Pond: Underwater Agent
| 014633070538 | | 1991-0-0
| Joe & Mac
| 013252011014 | | 1991-1-0
| Joe Montana Football
| 4974365540456 | G-4045 | 1991-3-1
| Jaleco Rally Big Run: The Supreme 4WD Challenge
| 4907859106012 | SHVC-BR | 1991-3-20
| John Madden Football
| 014633070705 | SNS-JM-USA | 1991-8-0
| Joe & Mac
| 026483360707 | | 1991-8-1
| Jewel Master
| 010086010251 | | 1991-11-1
| Jackie Chan's Action Kung-Fu
| 092218001429 | TGX040079 | 1992-0-0
| Jack Nicklaus Turbo Golf
| | ATGXCDJTTC | 1992-0-0
| John Madden Duo CD Football
| 092218001825 | TGXCD1045 | 1992-0-0
| Joust
| 772350050058 | PT5005 | 1992-0-0
| Joshua & The Battle for Jericho
| 016315220057 | | 1992-0-0
| Joe & Mac
| 013252002272 | | 1992-0-0
| The Jetsons: Cogswell's Caper
| 020588010536 | | 1992-0-0
| John Madden Football '93: Championship Edition
| 014633071887 | 7188 | 1992-0-0
| James Bond Jr.
| 719575010115 | | 1992-0-0
| Jack Nicklaus Golf
| 031719199105 | | 1992-1-0