| Super Punch-Out!!
| 045496830380 | | 1994-9-0
| Panic Bomber
| 045496770099 | | 1995-12-0
| Red Alarm
| 045496770044 | | 1995-9-0
| Teleroboxer
| 045496770013 | | 1995-8-14
| Vertical Force
| 045496770075 | | 1995-12-0
| Virtual Boy Wario Land
| 045496770068 | | 1995-12-1
| Resident Evil 2
| 013388200030 | | 2003-1-15
| Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
| 013388200047 | | 2003-1-15
| B.O.B.
| 014633070859 | | 1993-3-0
| Super Mario Bros.
| 045496630140 | | 1985-10-1
| Yar's Revenge
| | | 1981-0-0
| Color Baseball
| | | 1982-0-0
| Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
| 045496630287 | | 1987-0-0
| Nester's Funky Bowling
| 045496770105 | | 1996-2-0
| Zero Divide
| 031763116844 | | 1996-1-1
| Zoop
| 040824137001 | | 1997-11-17
| You Don't Know Jack
| 020626706377 | | 1999-10-30
| You Don't Know Jack: Mock 2
| 020626710367 | | 2000-11-3
| Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories
| 083717171256 | | 2001-12-30
| Q*bert
| 076930996904 | | 1999-12-1
| Quake II
| 047875103733 | | 1999-10-5
| Ultimate Fighting Championship
| 650008199062 | | 2000-10-25
| Um Jammer Lammy
| 711719444824 | | 1999-8-17
| Urban Chaos
| 788687303835 | | 2000-3-31
| Rocky's Boots
| | | 1982-0-0
| Ultima VIII: Pagan
| | | 1994-6-1
| Link: The Faces of Evil
| 731069011828 | | 1993-0-0
| The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
| 045496731823 | | 2002-12-2
| Hardball
| | | 1985-0-0
| Toy Story Racer
| 047875800113 | | 2001-3-28
| Virtual Pool 2
| 040421366538 | | 1996-8-24
| Quake II
| 047875100954 | | 1997-11-11
| Midtown Madness
| 659556076412 | | 1999-5-27
| Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness
| | | 1995-0-0
| Age of Empires
| 093007553570 | | 1997-10-15
| Fallout 2
| 040421007073 | | 1998-10-30
| Hexen II
| 047875100541 | | 1998-3-27
| Dracula: The Last Sanctuary
| 625904302106 | | 2001-2-20
| Zelda's Adventure
| | | 1995-0-0
| Interstate '76: Arsenal
| 047875102408 | | 1998-2-28
| War Wind
| | | 1996-8-24
| NBA Live '96
| 014633059809 | | 1996-8-0
| Transport Tycoon Deluxe
| | | 1995-6-1
| Pitfall!
| | | 1982-0-0
| North and South
| 044499000127 | | 1990-0-0
| Top Hunter: Roddy & Cathy
| | | 1994-5-3
| Under a Killing Moon
| | | 1994-0-0
| Galactic Pinball
| 045496770051 | | 1995-8-14
| Jack Bros.
| 730865530014 | | 1995-10-0
| Mario Clash
| 045496770020 | | 1995-10-0