| Wolfchild
| 009119920544 | | 1993-11-6
| Mighty Mighty Missile
| | | 2004-0-0
| Starblade
| 722674020374 | | 1994-1-4
| Supreme Warrior
| 782346024116 | | 1994-11-5
| Surgical Strike
| 010086044355 | | 1993-11-22
| The Terminator
| 052145860032 | | 1993-3-8
| Third World War
| 027479900020 | | 1994-10-0
| Trivial Pursuit
| | | 1995-0-0
| Ultraverse Prime / Microcosm
| | | 1994-6-12
| Vay
| 735366270254 | | 1994-4-2
| Wheel of Fortune
| 090451606074 | | 1994-10-6
| Who Shot Johnny Rock?
| 767861000098 | | 1994-11-6
| Wild Woody
| 010086044409 | | 1995-2-0
| Star Strike
| | | 2000-12-12
| World Cup USA '94
| | | 1994-0-0
| WWF Rage in the Cage
| | | 1994-0-0
| Mr. Driller: Drill Spirits
| 722674700009 | | 2005-3-11
| Ping Pals
| 785138361000 | | 2005-3-11
| Pokémon Dash
| 045496735319 | | 2005-3-11
| Polarium
| 045496735234 | | 2005-3-11
| Project Rub
| 5060004764778 | | 2005-3-11
| Spider-Man 2
| 047875808430 | | 2005-3-11
| Super Mario 64 DS
| 045496734992 | | 2005-3-11
| The Urbz: Sims in the City
| 014633148824 | | 2005-3-11
| Robots
| 3348542196186 | | 2005-3-11
| Road Rash
| | | 1994-5-6
| Novastorm
| 053203013315 | | 1994-0-0
| Panic!
| 013252016002 | | 1994-11-0
| Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure
| 047875440166 | | 1994-11-2
| Power Factory: Featuring C+C Music Factory
| | | 1992-0-0
| Power Monger
| 014633072440 | | 1992-0-0
| Prince of Persia
| 010086046526 | | 1992-6-4
| Puggsy
| 053203009981 | | 1993-5-15
| Racing Aces
| | | 1993-0-0
| Radical Rex
| | | 1994-11-0
| RDF Global Conflict
| 018706621948 | | 1995-6-0
| Revengers of Vengeance
| 027479617942 | | 1994-6-6
| Rise of the Dragon
| 020626436045 | | 1994-10-4
| Night Trap
| 010086049039 | | 1993-0-0
| Robo Aleste
| 031763092803 | | 1993-0-0
| Samurai Shodown
| 009119940627 | | 1995-5-7
| Sega Classics 4-in-1
| | | 1992-0-0
| Sega Classics 5-in-1
| | | 1993-0-0
| Shadow of the Beast II
| 053203011380 | | 1994-6-7
| Shining Force CD
| 010086046564 | | 1995-3-22
| Slam City with Scottie Pippen
| 782346027117 | | 1995-4-5
| The Software Toolworks' Star Wars Chess
| 050047115014 | | 1994-2-2
| SoulStar
| 031763075806 | | 1994-0-0
| Space Ace
| 092667850081 | | 1994-4-7
| The Space Adventure
| 039854000478 | | 1994-11-4