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WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game

WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game

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Sure, you've wrestled before. Maybe youve tried competing in the Royal Rumble. Maybe you've tried the Steel Cage Challenge. Maybe you've even tried wrestling Raw. So? None of that can possibly prepare you for the wildest, most incredible, action-packed wrestling game ever - WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game! You can be Shawn Michaels and stun your opponents with the spectacular actrobatics of the Frankensteiner, or be the Undertaker and bury your foe's chance of victory with the vicious Tombstone Slam! You can even be Yokozuna and crush your foes with 568 pounds of banzai splash! But wait! The action in WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game goes far beyond even these sensational maneuvers! As Razor Ramon, you can transform your arm into a razor swipe! As Doink, you can literally stun your oppenent with an electrified joy buzzer! WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game is all this - and much more! It's two-on-one and three-on-one bouts on the way to the Intercontinental or World Wrestling Federation titles! It's senses-shattering action that spills out of the ring! It's a host of secret moves and maneuvers that you'll learn only through experience in - and out of - the ring! It's the most amazing wrestling action on the mat or in the air you'll ever experience! It's WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game - and it's the most spectacularly sensational wrestling challenge the world has ever seen!
