The Battle for an Ancient Relic Begins with the Hunt for the "Merines"...
Adrift on an endless, raging ocean, Senel Coolidge and his sister Shirley find themselves drawn ashore a mysterious ship. Known as the Legacy, it is an ancient relic that conceals countless dangers - including those who lie in wait for Shirley.
To save his sister, Senel and his party uncover the deepest secret of a legendary ship, and in the process, discover the ties that bind them all.
Take strength from friendship. Take pride in love. Take everything that you believe in - and turn it all to power.
- A new cast of endearing characters in a stunning 3D setting.
- Fast-paced real-time battles. Throw massive enemies for the first time.
- Over 70 hours of gameplay in a stirring tale of love and heroism.