An Epic Tale of War, Romance and Betrayal...
On the continent of Efferia, humans and a race known as the Yason uneasily co-exist in the throes of an endless war. Calintz, the leader of a mercenary group, the Tears of Blood, encounters a mysterious girl, Reith, who has no recollection of who she is. Little does he know, this chance encounter will change the future for all of Efferia...
- A 50+ hour RPG fantasy that unfolds through dazzling CGI cut-scenes and fully voiced dialogue.
- Unique real-time battle system allows you to position yourself anywhere on the battlefield!
- Unlock the secrets of the Carta System and unleash spellbinding magical fury!
- Full-color 100-page artbook with mini-strategy guide featuring the artwork of renowned artist, Hyung-Tae Kim!
- Full-size Magna Carta poster!
- Dual-sided coversheet!