VGArchive ...awesome

Art Master

Art Master

Release Date






ART MASTER is a high performance, state-of-the-art experience that takes you into a world of art exploration you've never seen before! Finally, sketching comes of age... and your creativity comes to life. Advanced electronics technology now makes it possible for you to design, draw, and animate your own art! Draw a bird. Then watch it fly! Sketch a train. Then send it speeding down the railroad tracks! Watch a flower blow in the wind or children walk to school. What you create... you can animate. You don't have to be a super-artist to use and enjoy Art Master. All you need is a sense of adventure, fun and a little imagination! We'll show you how to make Art Master the key that unlocks all the creativity you've always known you had! Art Master was a pack-in game sold only with the Light Pen.
