Edda is a young man whose youth is marked by a boring island life, but whose serenity is shattered when he meets a mysterious young woman named Kirika on the beach. He soon realizes his skill as an exorcist and becomes a hunter, weaving a remarkable journey that will ultimately pit civilization against nature.
- First Action-Based Game in the Series.
Control your characters in real time. Perform combos, equip items and magic.
- Improved Card and Guild System.
Collect cards from battle or events and equip up to 4 kinds of cards to perform diverse attacks.
- Play Online in Real Time.
Take your single player character online:
- Match mode. Battle with up to 8 players (4 vs. 4).
- Co-op mode. Proceed through missions in teams of 4, look for rare cards by defeating enemies in dungeons (online-exclusive missions are included), and chat live.
- 24 Characters From the Arc The Lad Series.
Defeat your enemies, collect items and magic to build your character.