| Looney Tunes: Duck Amuck
| 085391163343 | | 2007-10-9
| Looney Tunes: Space Race
| 742725226340 | SLUS-20352 | 2002-5-28
| Looney Tunes: Space Race
| 3546430008973 | | 2000-11-17
| Loons: Fight for Fame
| 742725226302 | | 2002-9-24
| Loop Sequencer: Music Generator
| 4944076003595 | SLPM-62463 | 2005-3-31
| Loopop Cube: Loop * Salad DS
| 4582246790199 | NTR-P-YLSJ | 2008-1-31
| Loopz
| 050047104797 | | 1990-0-0
| Lord Monarch
| 4905040097408 | SHVC-LM | 1992-10-9
| Lord Monarch: Shin Gaia Oukokuki
| 4988006593275 | SLPS-01728 | 1998-12-23
| Lord Monarch: Shin Gaia Oukokuki (Major Wave Series)
| 4529651000253 | SLPM-86524 | 2000-5-25
| Lord of Darkness
| 040198000789 | | 1994-1-0
| Lord of Fist
| 4942330419311 | SLPS-02168 | 1999-8-26
| Lord of Monsters
| 4948872100861 | SCPS-10086 | 1999-6-10
| Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
| 020626718073 | | 2002-10-22
| Lord of the Rings: Futatsu no Tou
| 4938833005755 | | 2003-2-14
| Lord of the Rings: Futatsu no Tou
| 4938833005847 | | 2003-2-14
| Lord of the Rings: Ou no Kikan
| 4938833006110 | | 2004-1-8
| Lord of the Rings: Ou no Kikan
| 4938833006127 | | 2004-1-8
| Lord of the Rings: Ou no Kikan (EA Best Hits)
| 4938833006578 | SLPM-65727 | 2004-9-16
| The Lord of the Rings: Tactics
| 014633149906 | ULUS-10038 | 2005-11-8
| The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II
| 014633151978 | | 2006-7-5
| The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
| 020626714952 | | 2002-9-24
| Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
| | | 1990-0-0
| The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
| 020626716048 | SLUS-20520 | 2002-10-15
| The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
| 020626714945 | | 2002-9-24
| The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
| 014633146875 | | 2003-11-3
| The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
| 014633146844 | SLUS-20770 | 2003-11-5
| The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
| 5030930035129 | | 2003-11-14
| The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
| 014633146851 | | 2003-11-5
| The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
| 014633146868 | | 2003-11-5
| The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
| 014633145144 | | 2003-11-4
| The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
| 014633148480 | SLUS-21027 | 2004-11-2
| The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
| 014633148510 | | 2004-11-2
| The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
| 014633148503 | | 2004-11-2
| The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
| 014633148497 | | 2004-11-2
| The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
| 014633144710 | SLUS-20578 | 2002-10-21
| The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
| 014633144727 | | 2002-12-30
| The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
| 014633146189 | | 2002-12-31
| The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
| 014633145137 | | 2002-11-12
| Lord of the Rings: Uchitsu Kuni Daisanki
| 4938833006509 | DOL-P-G3AJ | 2004-12-22
| Lord of the Rings: Uchitsu Kuni Daisanki
| 4938833006493 | SLPM-65846 | 2004-12-22
| Lord of the Rings: Uchitsu Kuni Daisanki
| 4938833006516 | | 2004-12-22
| Lord of the Sword
| 010086070163 | 7016 | 1988-0-0
| Lord of Wars
| 4988697900024 | SACD1001 | 1991-11-29
| Lords of the Realm III
| 020626719988 | | 2004-3-16
| Lords of the Rising Sun
| 092218001139 | TGXCD1014 | 1992-0-0
| Lords of Thunder
| 092218001696 | TGXCD1033 | 1993-0-0
| Lords of Thunder
| 01008604450 | 4450 | 1993-6-25
| Lost Aya Sophia
| 4995857830541 | SLPM-65592 | 2004-5-27
| Lost Aya Sophia (Limited Edition)
| 4995857840540 | SLPM-65591 | 2004-5-27