| Earnest Evans
| 720238101705 | 49176 | 1992-12-2
| Exile II: Janen no Jishou
| 4988624910867 | TJCD2028 | 1992-9-22
| Earth Light: Anime-tic Space War Game
| 4988607000455 | SHVC-H3 | 1992-7-24
| Extra Innings
| 090451304017 | | 1992-3-0
| Earth Defense Force
| 032264700037 | | 1992-2-0
| Evander "Real Deal" Holyfield's Boxing
| 010086012156 | | 1992-0-0
| Ex-Mutants
| 010086010749 | | 1992-0-0
| Exile
| 735366901011 | WTG990101 | 1992-0-0
| Earnest Evans
| 4988624990524 | T-32014 | 1991-12-20
| Efera & Jiliora: The Emblem From Darkness
| 4988652610029 | BRCD1002 | 1991-12-13
| Elevator Action
| 020588010444 | DMG-EA-USA | 1991-12-0
| Eightman
| 724678245876 | | 1991-11-10
| El-Viento
| 720238101309 | | 1991-5-11
| Eternal City: Toshi Tensou Keikaku
| 4988658910031 | NX91003 | 1991-4-12
| Extra Bases
| 045557085209 | DMG-FS-USA | 1991-4-0
| Exile: Toki no Hazama e
| 4988624910331 | TJCD1014 | 1991-3-29
| Eliminator Boat Duel
| 099451030643 | | 1991-0-0
| Exodus: Journey to the Promised Land
| 9789901630028 | | 1991-0-0
| Exile
| 720238101804 | | 1991-0-0
| E-Swat
| 010086070422 | 7042 | 1990-0-0
| ESWAT: City Under Siege
| 010086011104 | | 1990-0-0
| Energy
| 4988616001047 | NCS89005 | 1989-4-19
| Electrocop
| | PA2021 | 1989-0-0
| Enduro Racer
| 010086050776 | 5077 | 1987-0-0
| Excitebike
| 045496630058 | | 1985-0-0
| Elevator Action
| 020588010017 | NES-EA-USA | 1985-0-0
| E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
| | | 1982-0-0
| Electronic Table Soccer!
| | AA9423 | 1980-0-0