| Shadow Madness
| 650008198058 | | 1999-6-2
| Strikers 1945
| 093992072001 | | 2001-3-0
| SaGa Frontier
| 711719423027 | | 1998-3-31
| SaGa Frontier 2
| 662248900032 | | 2000-2-16
| Saiyuki: Journey West
| 040198001106 | | 2001-8-14
| Sammy Sosa High Heat Baseball 2001
| 790561505457 | | 2000-3-21
| Sammy Sosa's Softball Slam
| 790561504856 | | 2000-3-31
| Samurai Shodown III: Blades of Blood
| 711719420620 | | 1996-10-1
| Samurai Shodown: Warrior's Rage
| 018484710391 | | 2000-4-20
| San Francisco Rush Extreme Racing
| 031719269730 | | 1998-4-2
| S.C.A.R.S.
| 008888310051 | | 1998-10-6
| Scrabble
| 076930997086 | | 1999-12-13
| Sentient
| 711719411024 | | 1997-11-17
| Street Racquetball
| 093992074203 | | 2002-11-0
| Shadow Man
| 021481211419 | | 1999-8-16
| Shadow Master
| 735009400222 | | 1998-2-24
| Sheep
| 744788402389 | | 2000-10-29
| Shellshock
| 743175952155 | | 1996-1-1
| Silent Bomber
| 045557088545 | | 2000-4-30
| Simpsons Wrestling
| 086162001901 | | 2001-4-1
| Soul of the Samurai
| 083717170402 | | 1999-8-2
| Syphon Filter 2
| 711719445128 | | 2000-3-30
| Saltwater Sportfishing
| 710425230998 | | 2001-11-28
| Sesame Street Sports
| 661204110072 | | 2001-6-24
| Starwinder: The Ultimate Space Race
| 024294123801 | | 1996-12-1
| Sim City 4
| 014633145731 | | 2002-1-14
| Star Wars: The New Droid Army
| 785138321233 | | 2002-11-7
| Space Invaders XL
| 808340111093 | | 2001-0-0
| The Settlers III
| 767760098059 | | 1998-12-20
| Street Hoops
| 047875804739 | | 2002-11-26
| Star Wars: Bounty Hunter
| 023272659585 | | 2002-12-5
| Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
| 023272954758 | | 2002-11-19
| Steel Battalion
| 013388290024 | | 2002-11-19
| Seablade
| 076714525399 | | 2002-11-19
| Super Bubble Pop
| 032264261019 | | 2002-12-17
| Super Spike V'Ball
| 045496630560 | | 1990-6-0
| Super Mario Bros.
| 045496630140 | | 1985-10-1
| Super Punch-Out!!
| 045496830380 | | 1994-9-0
| Street Rod 2
| | | 1991-0-0
| Super Castlevania IV
| 083717150015 | | 1991-1-0
| The Sims Online
| 014633143676 | | 2002-12-17
| Splinter Cell
| 008888680888 | | 2003-2-18
| Summoner: A Goddess Reborn
| 785138380162 | | 2003-2-4
| The Sum of All Fears
| 008888150176 | | 2003-1-15
| Super Bubble Pop
| 032264264010 | | 2002-12-17
| Shadowrun
| 013252011021 | | 1994-4-0
| Star Sweep
| 093992071608 | | 2001-1-31
| Shadow Tower
| 093992087203 | | 1999-11-19
| Shooter: Space Shot
| 093992071509 | | 2001-1-1
| Snowboarding
| 093992071004 | | 2001-1-0