| Dual Hearts
| 730865530045 | SLUS-20475 | 2002-9-23
| Disney's PK: Out of the Shadows
| 008888320302 | SLUS-20478 | 2002-10-30
| Devil May Cry 2
| 013388260140 | SLUS-20484 | 2003-1-28
| Dino Stalker
| 013388260089 | SLUS-20485 | 2002-9-10
| Disney Golf
| 014633145748 | SLUS-20532 | 2002-10-16
| The Document of Metal Gear Solid 2
| 083717200543 | SLUS-20543 | 2002-9-25
| Disaster Report
| 093992090302 | SLUS-20561 | 2003-2-18
| Drome Racers
| 014633145601 | SLUS-20577 | 2002-11-20
| Driv3r
| 742725244337 | SLUS-20587 | 2004-6-22
| Dragon Ball Z: Budokai
| 722242519590 | SLUS-20591 | 2002-12-4
| Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure
| 047875805637 | SLUS-20607 | 2003-9-2
| Dynasty Warriors 3: Xtreme Legends
| 040198001229 | SLUS-20617 | 2003-1-14
| Deer Hunter
| 742725247710 | SLUS-20626 | 2003-12-23
| Def Jam Vendetta
| 014633144291 | SLUS-20639 | 2003-4-2
| Dynasty Warriors 4
| 040198001212 | SLUS-20653 | 2003-3-25
| Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
| 730865530052 | SLUS-20666 | 2003-8-26
| Disney's The Haunted Mansion
| 739069615121 | SLUS-20681 | 2003-10-14
| DDRMAX2: Dance Dance Revolution
| 083717200611 | SLUS-20711 | 2003-9-23
| Drakengard
| 662248903118 | SLUS-20732 | 2004-3-2
| Dynasty Tactics 2
| 040198001274 | SLUS-20761 | 2003-9-23
| Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2
| 742725250680 | SLUS-20779 | 2003-12-5
| Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat
| 020626720328 | SLUS-20797 | 2003-11-4
| Demon Stone
| 742725249202 | SLUS-20804 | 2004-9-14
| Dynasty Warriors 4: Xtreme Legends
| 040198001298 | SLUS-20812 | 2003-11-4
| Digimon World 4
| 045557180225 | SLUS-20836 | 2005-6-1
| Dead to Rights II
| 722674100106 | SLUS-20843 | 2005-4-12
| Destruction Derby Arenas
| 710425273742 | SLUS-20855 | 2004-3-30
| Dragon Ball Z: Sagas
| 742725256316 | SLUS-20874 | 2005-3-22
| Dance Dance Revolution Extreme
| 083717200901 | SLUS-20916 | 2004-9-21
| Duel Masters
| 742725244214 | SLUS-20924 | 2004-11-2
| Death by Degrees
| 722674100182 | SLUS-20934 | 2005-2-8
| Dynasty Warriors 4: Empires
| 040198001359 | SLUS-20938 | 2004-8-31
| Destroy All Humans!
| 752919460504 | SLUS-20945 | 2005-6-21
| The Dukes of Hazzard: Return of the General Lee
| 008888322047 | SLUS-20959 | 2004-9-28
| Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
| 013388260416 | SLUS-20964 | 2005-3-1
| Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3
| 742725256293 | SLUS-20998 | 2004-11-16
| Def Jam: Fight for NY
| 001633147544 | SLUS-21004 | 2004-9-21
| Dog's Life
| 677990104553 | SLUS-21018 | 2004-8-24
| Darkwatch
| 808777602997 | SLUS-21042 | 2005-8-16
| Disney Classics Treasure Planet
| 712725001742 | SLUS-21054 | 2004-10-0
| Digimon Rumble Arena 2
| 045557180195 | SLUS-21067 | 2004-9-7
| Disney's Chicken Little
| 712725001858 | SLUS-21088 | 2005-10-19
| DT Racer
| 780332056431 | SLUS-21095 | 2005-9-20
| Drive to Survive
| 020626725354 | SLUS-21109 | 2006-11-17
| Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3: Limited Edition
| 742725260740 | SLUS-21123 | 2004-11-16
| Delta Force: Black Hawk Down
| 020626723275 | SLUS-21124 | 2005-7-26
| Dynasty Warriors 5
| 040198001410 | SLUS-21153 | 2005-3-29
| Dora The Explorer: Journey To The Purple Planet
| 710425278143 | SLUS-21173 | 2006-2-9
| Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2
| 083717201281 | SLUS-21174 | 2005-9-27
| DICE: DNA Integrated Cybernetic Enterprises
| 045557180300 | SLUS-21181 | 2005-9-20