| Tuff E Nuff
| 032264700112 | | 1993-10-0
| Tetris Plus
| 032264600047 | | 1996-8-31
| Tetris Plus
| 032264500057 | | 1997-11-17
| Tokyo Highway Battle
| 032264500040 | | 1996-7-16
| Time Lord
| 032244040931 | | 1989-0-0
| Tetris
| 031763041122 | | 1988-0-0
| Toobin'
| 031763019121 | | 1989-0-0
| Team Buddies
| 031719268464 | | 2000-10-12
| Troy Aikman Football
| 031719219421 | 21942 | 1995-2-0
| Troy Aikman NFL Football
| 031719209422 | | 1994-0-0
| Troy Aikman NFL Football
| 031719199365 | | 1994-8-0
| Taboo: The Sixth Sense
| 031719198856 | | 1988-0-0
| Toobin'
| 031719198375 | | 2000-5-22
| Twisted Edge: Extreme Snowboarding
| 031719198030 | | 1998-11-10
| Twisted Edge Snowboarding
| 031719198030 | | 1999-3-12
| Top Gear Rally
| 031719197149 | | 1997-10-1
| Touchmaster
| 031719191857 | | 2007-6-25
| ToonTime ...in the classroom
| 027962940106 | | 1994-0-0
| Third World War
| 027479900020 | | 1994-10-0
| True Lies
| 023582090085 | | 1995-3-0
| T2: The Arcade Game
| 023582087078 | | 1993-9-0
| Terminator 2: Judgement Day
| 023582087054 | | 1993-7-0
| Town & Country Surf Designs: Thrilla's Surfari
| 023582051857 | | 1991-0-0
| T2 Terminator 2: Judgement Day
| 023582051833 | | 1992-7-0
| Town & Country Surf Designs: Wood & Water Rage
| 023582051529 | | 1988-2-1
| Thrillville: Off the Rails
| 023272406769 | | 2007-10-9
| Thrillville: Off the Rails
| 023272406639 | | 2007-10-9
| Thrillville: Off the Rails
| 023272406615 | | 2007-10-9
| Thrillville: Off the Rails
| 023272406394 | ULUS-10306 | 2007-10-9
| Thrillville
| 023272404758 | | 2006-11-21
| Thrillville
| 023272404390 | ULUS-10191 | 2006-11-21
| Thrillville
| 023272404352 | SLUS-21413 | 2006-11-21
| Top Player's Golf
| 021876002028 | | 1991-7-1
| Tiles of Fate
| 021619110041 | | 1990-0-0
| Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
| 021481941552 | | 1999-2-10
| Tee Off
| 021481832225 | | 2000-1-12
| Trickstyle
| 021481831914 | | 1999-9-9
| Tunnel B1
| 021481820956 | | 1996-10-27
| True Lies
| 021481800088 | | 1994-0-0
| Turok: Evolution
| 021481652731 | | 2002-8-29
| Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion
| 021481641957 | | 2000-8-31
| Turok: Rage Wars
| 021481641926 | | 1999-11-23
| Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
| 021481641551 | | 1998-12-10
| Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
| 021481640820 | | 1997-2-28
| Turok: Evolution
| 021481522737 | | 2002-9-1
| Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion
| 021481511953 | | 2000-8-30
| Turok: Rage Wars
| 021481511922 | | 1999-11-23
| Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
| 021481511557 | | 1998-8-0
| Turok: Battle of the Bionosaurs
| 021481510826 | DMG-ATUE-USA | 1998-8-6
| Turok: Evolution
| 021481402732 | | 2002-9-2