| Bouncers
| 010086049084 | 4908 | 1994-0-0
| Boundary Gate: Daughter of Kingdom
| 4904323270132 | FXNHE620 | 1997-1-24
| Boundary Gate: Daughter of Kingdom
| 4988110400070 | SLPS-00907 | 1997-7-17
| Bounty Bob Strikes Back
| 03963201920 | | 1984-0-0
| Bounty Hounds
| 722674150064 | ULUS-10161 | 2006-9-12
| Bounty Hounds
| 4907892011359 | ULJS-00021 | 2006-9-21
| Bounty Hunter Sarah: Holy Mountain no Teiou
| 4976219557245 | T-1243M | 2001-5-24
| Bounty Hunter Sarah: Hori Mountain no Teiou (Flagship Works)
| 4976219557139 | SLPM-86735 | 2001-5-24
| Bounty Sword
| 4988102119324 | SHVC-A2LJ-JPN | 1995-9-8
| Bounty Sword First
| 4988102149727 | SLPS-00757 | 1997-6-6
| Bounty Sword First (Major Wave Series)
| 4529651000345 | SLPM-86614 | 2000-8-31
| Bounty Sword: Double Edge
| 4988102164126 | SLPS-01479 | 1998-7-30
| Bounty Sword: Double Edge (Major Wave Series)
| 4529651000376 | SLPM-86625 | 2000-9-28
| Bowling
| | | 1979-0-0
| Bowling
| | | 1979-0-0
| Bowling
| | | 1979-0-0
| Bowling
| 093992071103 | SLUS-01288 | 2001-10-4
| Bowling! / Basketball!
| | AJ9404 | 1978-0-0
| Boxer's Road
| 4939814100001 | SLPS-00033 | 1995-9-8
| Boxer's Road (PlayStation the Best)
| 4939814100018 | SLPS-91007 | 1996-8-9
| Boxer's Road 2: The Real
| 4939814200053 | ULJM-05125 | 2006-9-28
| Boxer's Road 2: The Real (Ertain Best)
| 4939814200176 | ULJM-05269 | 2007-8-9
| Boxing
| | | 1980-0-0
| Boxing
| 093992071400 | SLUS-01309 | 2001-2-0
| Boxing Fever
| 096427012610 | | 2001-10-30
| Boxing Legends of the Ring
| 099451111557 | | 1993-8-0
| Boxing Legends of the Ring
| 099451204778 | | 1993-6-2
| Boxxle
| 022909300012 | DMG-SO-USA | 1990-2-0
| Boxxle II
| 022909300050 | DMG-SQ-USA | 1992-6-0
| Boxyboy
| 092218000804 | TGX010031 | 1990-0-0
| Boys Be...
| 4938838096048 | SLPS-00779 | 1997-3-28
| Boys Be... Second Season
| 4938838098196 | SLPS-01705 | 1999-9-22
| BRAHMA Force: The Assault on Beltlogger 9
| 032264500064 | SLUS-00444 | 1997-11-17
| Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day
| 045496739010 | | 2007-8-20
| Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!
| 045496737122 | | 2006-4-17
| Brain Assist
| 010086670189 | | 2008-2-26
| Brain Battle Q
| 4949504039016 | T-25701G | 1996-3-15
| Brain Bender
| 099451121433 | DMG-BW-USA | 1991-11-0
| Brain Boost: Beta Wave
| 096427014836 | | 2006-11-15
| Brain Boost: Gamma Wave
| 096427014843 | | 2006-11-15
| Brain Challenge
| 008888163749 | | 2008-1-8
| Brain Dead 13
| | 8100309 | 1997-0-0
| Brain Dead 13
| 4953507960857 | T-7305G | 1996-10-10
| Brain Dead 13
| 092667750282 | | 1996-7-19
| Brain Dead 13
| 4953507960970 | SLPS-00514-5 | 1996-10-18
| Brain Dead 13
| 092667250287 | SLUS-00083 | 1996-3-0
| Brain Drain
| 021481511717 | DMG-ABRE-USA | 1998-3-0
| Brain Lord
| 4988601002776 | SHVC-3B | 1994-1-28
| Brain Lord
| 719631000128 | | 1994-1-0
| Brain Voyage
| 788687400473 | | 2008-5-5