| Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix
| 047875805293 | | 2003-6-17
| Sonic the Hedgehog 2
| 010086010510 | | 1992-11-15
| Spider-Man
| 010086010169 | | 1991-0-0
| Sengoku 3
| | | 2001-10-25
| Super Scope 6
| 045496820060 | | 1992-0-0
| Sonic Advance 2
| 785138321431 | | 2003-3-11
| Super Monkey Ball Jr.
| 785138321251 | | 2002-11-20
| Shanghai Mini
| 018484004018 | | 2000-2-28
| Speed Kings
| 021481653042 | | 2003-5-27
| Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut
| 010086610260 | | 2003-6-17
| Space Channel 5: Ulala's Cosmic Attack
| 785138321264 | | 2003-6-17
| Stake: Fortune Fighters
| 650001666264 | | 2003-5-5
| Speed Kings
| 021481403043 | | 2003-5-20
| Star Control
| 015605031021 | | 1991-2-17
| SX Superstar
| 021481403074 | | 2003-6-25
| Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
| 045496830502 | | 1996-6-1
| Secret of Mana
| 094689131094 | | 1993-5-0
| Secret of Evermore
| 094689151016 | | 1995-9-0
| Super Chase HQ
| 020588010758 | | 1993-9-4
| Soul Calibur II
| 722674021449 | | 2003-8-26
| Soul Calibur II
| 722674021456 | | 2003-8-26
| Sunset Riders
| 083717160007 | | 1993-3-3
| Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
| 023272319755 | | 2003-7-15
| Syberia
| 780332056455 | | 2003-7-28
| Starsky & Hutch
| 020626715966 | | 2003-9-11
| SNK vs. Capcom: Match of the Millennium
| 018484006913 | | 2000-0-0
| Solar Jetman: Hunt for the Golden Warpship
| 031719199037 | | 1990-0-0
| The Sims
| 014633146257 | | 2003-3-25
| Superman: Shadow of Apokolips
| 742725239937 | | 2003-3-26
| Sega Saturn Three Pack
| | | 1996-11-18
| Stampede
| | | 1981-0-0
| The Sims
| 014633146240 | | 2003-3-24
| State of Emergency
| 710425291869 | | 2003-3-25
| Star Wars: The Clone Wars
| 023272320751 | | 2003-4-22
| Space Invaders
| | | 1981-0-0
| Sonic Drift 2
| 010086025620 | | 1995-3-17
| Shadowbane
| 008888610762 | | 2003-3-25
| Super R-Type
| 715664391011 | | 1991-0-0
| StarLancer
| 659556147129 | | 2000-4-26
| Space Harrier II
| 010086011029 | | 1989-5-19
| Shining Force: The Sword of Hajya
| 010086025248 | | 1994-0-0
| Sonic The Hedgehog 3
| 010086010794 | | 1994-2-2
| Sim City 3000
| 014633144635 | | 1999-1-0
| Silpheed
| 010086044232 | | 1993-5-9
| Sewer Shark
| | | 1992-0-0
| Stellar-Fire
| 020626856331 | | 1993-11-2
| Star Wars: Jedi Arena
| | | 1981-0-0
| Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
| 010086011364 | | 1994-5-0
| Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi
| 010086011142 | | 1990-10-8
| Super Battleship
| 050047113775 | | 1994-5-4