| Rain Wonder Trip
| 4582224491209 | ULJS-00073 | 2006-7-6
| Raimuiro Senkitan * Jun (DX Pack)
| 4997766200323 | SLPM-65518 | 2004-2-26
| Railroad Tycoon II
| 663593130167 | | 2000-8-1
| Railroad Tycoon II
| 710425230349 | | 2000-2-29
| Railroad Tycoon II
| 5026555220118 | | 2000-11-10
| Railroad Tycoon 3
| 828068103149 | | 2004-9-13
| Railfan: Taiwan Takatetsu
| 4571165000090 | BLJS-10012 | 2007-11-1
| Railfan
| 4571165000083 | BLJM-60013 | 2006-12-21
| Raiden Trad
| 027479700187 | 22036 | 1991-0-0
| Raiden Trad
| 099451918767 | | 1992-2-0
| Raiden Project (Playstation the Best) (Reprint)
| 4949794000055 | SLPS-91144 | 1999-6-3
| Raiden Project (PlayStation the Best)
| 4949794000031 | SLPS-91002 | 1996-7-12
| Raiden Project
| 4949794000017 | SLPS-00013 | 1995-1-27
| The Raiden Project
| 711719440222 | | 1997-6-1
| Raiden III
| 695771700114 | SLUS-21465 | 2007-4-17
| Raiden III
| 4988611205334 | SLPM-62690 | 2005-9-22
| Raiden Fighters Aces
| 4944076004578 | 2TA-00001 | 2008-3-27
| Raiden DX (Major Wave Series)
| 4529651000451 | SLPM-86656 | 2000-10-26
| Raiden DX
| 4949794000048 | SLPS-00728 | 1997-4-11
| Raiden
| 4988607200527 | HC91049 | 1991-11-22
| Raiden
| 092218001344 | TGX060075 | 1991-0-0
| Raiden
| 077000400116 | J9005 | 1994-3-0
| Raid on Bungeling Bay
| 755030012232 | | 1984-0-0
| Raid 2020
| 096962810030 | RD-81003 | 1989-0-0
| Rai no Senshi Raidi
| 4946570014114 | | 2005-8-12
| Ragnacure Legend
| 4988640100532 | SLPS-02832 | 2000-7-6
| Ragnacure (Artdink Best Choice)
| 4988640100525 | SLPS-02833 | 2000-7-6
| Ragnacure
| 4988009003795 | SLPS-01009 | 1997-10-2
| Raging Fighter
| 083717140146 | DMG-OB-USA | 1993-6-0
| Rageball
| 093992074500 | | 2002-6-0
| Rage Racer
| 722674020664 | | 1997-5-15
| Rage Racer
| 4907892010246 | SLPS-00600 | 1996-12-3
| Rage of the Dragons
| | | 2002-9-20
| Rage of the Dragons
| | | 2002-9-20
| Radirgy Precious
| 4562168541185 | SLPM-66405 | 2006-5-25
| Radirgy Generic
| 4560193520052 | DOL-P-GLJJ | 2006-5-25
| Radical Rex
| | | 1994-11-0
| Radical Rex
| 047875340220 | | 1994-0-0
| Radical Rex
| 047875540224 | | 1994-1-0
| Radiata Stories
| 662248905099 | SLUS-21262 | 2005-9-6
| Radiata Stories
| 4988601004053 | SLPM-65800 | 2005-1-27
| Radiant Silvergun
| 4534373100020 | T-32902G | 1998-6-30
| Rad Racket: Deluxe Tennis II
| 721619110118 | | 1991-0-0
| Rad Racer II
| 094689101028 | | 1990-0-0
| Rad Racer
| 045496630362 | | 1987-10-1
| Racket Attack
| 032264900048 | NES-RE-USA | 1988-0-0
| Racing Simulation: Monaco Grand Prix
| 3362930501789 | | 1999-6-0
| Racing Simulation 2
| | | 1999-11-2
| Racing Lagoon (PSOne Books)
| 4961012027156 | SLPS-91487 | 2002-3-20
| Racing Lagoon
| 4961012997015 | SLPS-02038 | 1999-6-10