| Mortal Kombat: Unchained
| 031719269440 | ULUS-10102 | 2006-11-15
| MLB SlugFest 2006
| 031719269488 | SLUS-21342 | 2006-6-5
| Mortal Kombat Trilogy
| 031719269624 | SLUS-00330 | 1996-9-1
| Midway Presents Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Atari Collection 1
| 031719269693 | SLUS-00399 | 1996-11-0
| Midway Presents Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Midway Collection 2
| 031719269709 | SLUS-00450 | 1997-11-30
| Midway Presents Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Atari Collection 2
| 031719269723 | SLUS-00449 | 1998-4-0
| Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero
| 031719269754 | | 1997-11-17
| Maximum Force
| 031719269785 | SLUS-00503 | 1997-11-17
| MLB Slugfest 20-03
| 031719300082 | | 2002-8-26
| Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance
| 031719300105 | | 2002-11-22
| MLB Slugfest 20-04
| 031719300297 | | 2003-3-17
| MLB SlugFest: Loaded
| 031719300433 | | 2004-6-21
| Midway Arcade Treasures
| 031719300600 | | 2003-11-17
| Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks
| 031719300648 | | 2005-9-19
| Midway Arcade Treasures 2
| 031719300662 | | 2004-10-12
| Midway Arcade Treasures 3
| 031719300754 | | 2005-9-27
| Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
| 031719300822 | | 2006-10-11
| MLB SlugFest 2006
| 031719300860 | | 2006-6-5
| Mortal Kombat: Deception (Premium Pack)
| 031719900442 | SLUS-21081 | 2004-10-5
| Mortal Kombat: Deception
| 031719900510 | | 2004-10-5
| Mortal Kombat: Deception (Kollector's Edition)
| 031719900541 | | 2004-10-5
| Ms. Pac-Man
| 031763030126 | | 1990-0-0
| Ms. Pac-Man
| 031763030508 | | 1991-12-31
| Marko
| 031763068501 | | 1994-0-0
| MIG-29 Fighter Pilot
| 031763997504 | | 1993-0-0
| Marble Madness
| 032244048807 | NES-MV-USA | 1988-8-0
| Maniac Mansion
| 032264900123 | | 1990-0-0
| MetalMech
| 032264900178 | | 1991-3-0
| Mansion of Hidden Souls
| 034912230156 | | 1993-12-9
| Mazin Saga Mutant Fighter
| 034912230361 | | 1993-0-0
| The Mafat Conspiracy
| 034912784642 | | 1990-0-0
| Motor City Patrol
| 035995727045 | | 1991-0-0
| Myst
| 037988830183 | FZ-SM0204 | 1995-3-17
| Might & Magic: Secret of the Inner Sanctum
| 039471905125 | | 1991-0-0
| Milon's Secret Castle
| 039854000027 | NES-KM-USA | 1987-0-0
| Mendel Palace
| 039854000096 | | 1990-0-0
| Milon's Secret Castle
| 039854000225 | DMG-M8-USA | 1993-3-0
| Mickey's Speedway USA
| 040001551828 | NUS-NMLP-EUR | 2000-11-24
| Mystic Heroes
| 040198001182 | | 2002-9-30
| Mystic Heroes
| 040198001205 | SLUS-20521 | 2002-11-25
| Messiah
| 040421001569 | | 2000-0-0
| MDK 2
| 040421005567 | | 2000-3-29
| Mig Alley
| 040421007158 | | 1999-11-30
| MDK2: Armageddon
| 040421009480 | SLUS-20105 | 2001-3-27
| Millipede
| 040458200027 | NES-ML-USA | 1988-0-0
| MTV's Beavis & Butt-head
| 040824221014 | T-139016 | 1994-2-16
| MTV's Beavis and Butt-head
| 040824222011 | | 1994-4-0
| Magician
| 040886151908 | | 1990-0-0
| Mystery Quest
| 040886697833 | | 1988-0-0
| Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow
| 045496330415 | | 1996-6-0